Critical Thinking Skill

 Critical Thinking Skill 

All actions, decisions & judgment comes from assumptions if they are unchecked are inappropriate they will result in poor decisions or wrong judgment.

Critical Thinking Consists of 3 Stages

  1. Becoming aware that assumptions exit
  2. Making the assumptions clear
  3. Checking their accuracy

Characteristics of people who think critically


The people who think critically are truth-seeking. They have the desire for the best knowledge

ii) Open-Mindedness

people  who have critical thinking skills are open to different views

iii) Systematic 

People organize & focus the problems from all angles

iv) Self Confident

These people trust their reasoning skills & see themselves as a good thinker.

As a critical thinker, one has to make the following aspects

a) Ask important questions

b) Gather an alternative system of thought

c) Think of the alternative  system

d) Communicate effectively with others in finding the solution to a complex problem

Critical thinking, in short, is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored & self-corrective thinking. It improves problem-solving ability & communication.


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MBA TUTS TEAM: Founder & Author of MBA Tuts is Sneha S.Dumbali. Academically She has Qualified B.B.A & M.B.A with Specialization in Human Resource Management And Marketing. Formerly She has Worked as M.B.A department Incharge and Full-time lecturer for M.B.A and Guest lecturer for various courses like B.C.A, C.A, C.S, Soft Skill Development,
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